接近音乐会钢琴的等级,集百年严谨的制作工艺,实现了艺术与乐器的和谐统一。1 精选优质云杉实木音板,斜拼式音板设计达到了最有效的音板振动,使共鸣更持久,音色更优美。2 独特的不均布排列立柱使钢琴更稳定、更持久。 独根色木码桥使音频的传递更迅速、精确。3 德国著名的“ROSLAU”钢丝弦,使音色更优美、层次更清晰。
Close to the concert piano level, set in one hundred, strict production process, to achieve the harmonious unification of art and Musical Instruments.
1 select high-quality spruce wood soundboard, oblique or composite soundboard design reached the most effective vibration of the soundboard to resonate more durable, more beautiful timbre. 2 unique arranged irregularly distributed pillar make piano more stable and more durable. Single root bridge color wood yard make audio pass more quickly and accurately. Three German famous "ROSLAU wire strings, make more beautiful timbre, level more clearly.